Mize residents, please remember that there is a temporary shelter at the Mize Fire Station. It has food and heat. Utilize this until the power is restored. The power companies are working hard to get the power restored. It can be frustrating when the power is out for more than a few hours and especially for days and with the cold weather it can be even more frustrating. Please show respect to the power company crews as they are working hard to restore power, and even tell them thank you for their hard work. They are trying to have the power restored by 6 p.m. This is an estimate so don’t be upset if it is not restored by then.
Garbage pickup will run as normal tomorrow, Thursday, Nov 19. Make sure your bags are tied so no loose material can fly out. Also, make sure the bags are not too heavy. If either of these occur the bags will be left in the container.
With no power to the Town Hall the office number is not working, so, if you have any questions please call Earnest Burton @ 601-613-1051.